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What is the difference in filtered water and reverse osmosis water?
Reverse Osmosis is bottle quality water that has gone through a four, five or six stage process. A sediment filter, one or two carbon filters, a polishing filter right before you dispense and most important a semipermeable membrane. They remove salts, minerals, and dissolved inorganic compounds. Total dissolved solids have been reduced 96.5%. Arsenic V 97.8%, Cysts 99.99%, Fluoride 96.3%, and Lead 98.0%. Read More
The first appliance the water softener protects is the hot water heater, an average cost for a hot water heater is $1,800 not to mention you may end up with a cold shower. Have no water softener with the water as hard as it is in San Antonio you will need to drain your hot water heater twice a year.
First let’s clarify the salt in the brine tank is used when a water softener goes through regeneration. Regeneration if the unit has been sized properly for the family living in the house it should go through regeneration about once every seven to ten days.
Water one of the essential elements to good health. Water is essential for every cell that makes up your body. Getting your daily requirement of water helps your organs function, supports digestion, makes your skin look younger more youthful and eliminates toxins from the body.
When purchasing a new Water Softener here in San Antonio you have to look not only in price but on the system components. Here you will find some tips to ask before you buy your new water softener.
If you want to substantially reduce or remove the disinfecting chemicals that water companies put in your water here in San Antonio we recommend you put a carbon tank before the softener. All municipal companies in San Antonio and south Texas adds Chlorine, Chloramine or Chlorite that are required by standards.
Our pets, our loved ones.
Insurance we all have it, health, auto, home, car so be sure to have it for all the appliances that use water in your house and everything that the water touches in your house. In San Antonio and surrounding areas, a home without a softener will suffer the ugly consequences. A Softener is one of the most important appliances you will own. A water softener is the insurance policy for everything dealing with water in your house.
Water one of the essential elements to good health. Water is essential for every cell that makes up your body and getting your daily requirement of water helps your organs function, supports digestion, makes your skin look younger more youthful and eliminates toxins from the body.