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The good news is that water softeners are much easier to troubleshoot than they used to be, and while water softener repair can be challenging, with the right kind of knowledge, you can fix even the most common issues when your water softener is not working and get it back up and running in no time.
If you live in an area with hard water like San Antonio, Texas, using hard water to wash your clothes, bathe, or cook can leave you with build-up of soap residue and mineral deposits on your skin, hair, and clothing. A water softener can help you prevent this buildup, which is why water softeners are so common in areas with hard water and become even more popular during the cold winter months when everything seems to be covered in a layer of ice and snow! Here’s how a water softener helps with hard water from Hill Country Water Softeners of San Antonio, Texas.
Do you know that a water softener is the hardest working appliance in the house?. The water softener is the one appliance so many will try to go the economical way. But you know, a water softener protects your biggest investment, your home. It protects everything that the hard water touches. The hot water heater is very much affected by hard water so, you can shorten the life span drastically.
This is a common question, all water softeners will work off either one. Salt and potassium used to be close in cost but that is not the case anymore. There is a large price difference in them anymore for example Salt prices is average $6 and Potassium is $23. Water Softener system will use the same amount with salt or potassium so most people use salt.
If you have a reverse osmosis system in your home you need to change filters. Read up on the brand you have and be sure to follow the instructions and change it, this will keep the water flowing. Also you will need to change the membrane since on so many units you only do every four- or five-years people seem to forget it. The membrane is what makes the water into bottle quality water, it will remove 97.6% of everything. The other filters remove the chlorine, herbicides, pesticides, and organics but for it to be bottle quality the membrane must be functioning. Read More
We all have an insurance, from Health, Auto, Home, right? so, make sure to have it for all the appliances that use water in your house and everything that the water touches in your home if you don’t have a good Water Softener. In San Antonio and surrounding areas, a home without a softener will suffer the ugly consequences. A Water Softener is one of the most important appliances you will own, it is like an insurance policy for everything dealing with water in your house.
Yes, you need to change filters on the reverse osmosis water systems. Read up on the brand you have and be sure to change this will keep the water flowing. Change the membrane since on so many units you only do every four- or five-years people seem to forget it. Read More
Whole house filter can work very effectively to remove the disinfecting chemicals the municipal water facilities put in your water to get it to your house. Whole house filters substantially remove chlorine, herbicides, pesticides, and organics. They can remove chloramine if the proper type of carbon is used. You can find out what chemicals are used by contacting your water supplier and asking. Read More
Reverse Osmosis or RO is a commonly used water filtration system. It is a simple, straightforward, and effective way to remove most harmful contaminants, making the water safer to drink. Many experts recommend it for residential water filtration. At Simple Water Softeners, we’re happy to explain how this system works. Here’s a look at what you need to know about Reverse Osmosis. Read More
It is important to know how to by-pass your water softener and everybody should know this. There are several different by-pass valves. Some you must push something, others you turn knobs. It is very important for you to figure this out before you have an emergency and realize you do not know how to do it. Read More