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Whole House is filtration that removes the chemicals from your water. A water softener will remove the calcium and the magnesium. The whole house filter will remove chlorine, herbicides, pesticides and organics. Basically bringing your water to a more pure form of just water!
Hard water, you’ve probably heard this term thrown round, but what does it without a doubt mean? Tough water occurs when minerals — magnesium and calcium, especially — collect. In San Antonio the majority of water is very hard. 7 is hard, 10 is extreme and 14 is off the charts. Now the people who are getting the new pipeline water from East Texas wow they have it wonderful. The city seems to move around the nice water a little. But the rest of us we get water off the charts. If you have the hard water. You know it. Within days your hair shows it., dry dull. Your skin between the hardness and the chlorine you feel like an alligator skin. Lotion lotion, lotion.
If you live in an area with hard water like San Antonio, Texas, using hard water to wash your clothes, bathe, or cook can leave you with build-up of soap residue and mineral deposits on your skin, hair, and clothing. A water softener can help you prevent this buildup, which is why water softeners are so common in areas with hard water and become even more popular during the cold winter months when everything seems to be covered in a layer of ice and snow! Here’s how a water softener helps with hard water from Hill Country Water Softeners of San Antonio, Texas.
Do you know that a water softener is the hardest working appliance in the house?. The water softener is the one appliance so many will try to go the economical way. But you know, a water softener protects your biggest investment, your home. It protects everything that the hard water touches. The hot water heater is very much affected by hard water so, you can shorten the life span drastically.
We all have an insurance, from Health, Auto, Home, right? so, make sure to have it for all the appliances that use water in your house and everything that the water touches in your home if you don’t have a good Water Softener. In San Antonio and surrounding areas, a home without a softener will suffer the ugly consequences. A Water Softener is one of the most important appliances you will own, it is like an insurance policy for everything dealing with water in your house.
Do you live in San Antonio?. Save your hot water heater, the average replacement of a hot water heater is $2,000.
With the hard water in San Antonio (average is 18 GPG) you are shortening the life of your hot water heater by 30% if you don’t have water softener. If you have a hot water heater with a tank and have no water softener you should be draining the hot water heater every 6 months to maintain it to its optimal potential. Read More
Water containing excessive amounts of dissolved calcium, magnesium, iron, and other compounds is called hard water. While it isn’t harmful to consume, and most people can use it safely for everyday tasks like cooking or bathing, it does cause several problems. Simple Water Softeners has worked in this industry for a long time and has seen the impact of hard water. Here’s a look at the issues it can cause:
In this blog post we want to talk a little bit about tankless hot water heaters in San Antonio, Texas area.