28 Sep. 18
Chlorine or chloramine it is in your water. Whole house filtration is The Solution
If you are on a municipal water supply meaning if you pay for your water Chlorine or Chloramine has been used to disinfect water. Chlorine has been used to eliminate waterborne disease for decades. It is extremely effective at killing pathogens and diseases. It is widely used because it’s inexpensive and easy to control and monitor.
Chlorine and chloramine easily maintain a residual level in the water distribution that continues protecting drinking water supplies from bacteria growth. This is why chlorine and chloramine are considered the best disinfecting agents. Despite its effectiveness and inexpensive ability to disinfect the water supply, chlorination systems have some problems of its own.
When chlorine, and chloramine are used as a water treatment, it combines with organic matter in the water to form byproduct compounds called Trihalomethanes (THMs). These compounds are toxic when consumed, inhaled, or applied to the skin. Research conducted on the health effects of chlorinated drinking water has demonstrated a variety of toxicity issues. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has concluded that there is evidence to support a potential association between long term exposure to high levels of THMs and some types of cancer. In addition, the Environmental Research Foundation does agree the disinfectants have other negative issues associated with them. Water disinfection is extremely important to rid of the bacteria and viruses in the water.
The most obvious problem with chlorine and chloramines in the water is that it leaves an unpleasant taste and smell behind. These products can alter the taste of water, coffee, tea and other beverages. The food you prepare with this water from washing or cooking will be affected and you will be consuming the chlorine or chloramines. Chlorine is ingested from drinking water and is also inhaled in showers. It can even make hair and skin feel dry after showering. The problem not only lies within drinking water, but also in bathing water. Showering and bathing in chlorinated water may expose us to even more chlorine than drinking the by products in the chlorinated water. While showering, chlorine is not only absorbed through skin but also vaporized in the shower and inhaled into the lungs. This means the majority of our daily chlorine exposure comes from showering. When giving our pets water we will be giving them the chemicals. If used in a aquarium immediately from faucet your fish would die. With chlorine you could let the water sit for a while and the chlorine would evaporate eventually from the water. If the water was treated with chloramine you could never use in the aquarium.
Carbon filtration adsorbs the disinfecting chemicals without leaving any negative effects on your water supply. Adsorption takes place when your water comes in contact with the carbon filter. Carbon will substantially remove the disinfecting chemicals and improve, taste, odor, remove organic compounds to deliver clean, filtered water to every faucet, shower-head and water using appliances, in your home.
If you want more more information about whole house filtration products please give us a call at (210) 960-2555 or email us at lisa@simplewatersofteners.com.